Saturday 25 July 2015

Scrap The Girls July Challenge

Another challenge I managed to get done in the holidays was the beautiful sketch at Scrap the Girls

Here is my take on it...

Stash Challenge #28

Stash Challenge #28

Scrap our Stash July Challenge

I came across this site recently Scrap Our Stash and love the idea of using items from my ever increasing stash.  So as we have just had school holidays I got one of the July challenges done... the idea is to use items from your stash starting with the letters from the word P-H-O-T-O-S.
Here is the result...

I have used:-

P - paisley, pink, pearl
H - hessian
O - organza flowers
T - Teal High Heal Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist
O - orange mesh
S - stamp, stickers

I have had the K&Co paisley stickers and Prima journalling tag in my stash for a long time!